Important Reading
Before purchasing a swissy, please take some time and read these articles below.
A Portrait of the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog - by Don Dickenson
A general portrait of the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog -- it's basic characteristics, traits, temperament, etc. This is a great place to start if you're looking for general information on the GSMD.
A general portrait of the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog -- it's basic characteristics, traits, temperament, etc. This is a great place to start if you're looking for general information on the GSMD.
Is The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Right For You? - by Karen Conant
Do yourself, your family and the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog this favor -- PLEASE READ this very insightful piece by Karen Conant, longtime Swissy owner/breeder and former president of the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Club of America. Ask yourself the important questions Karen poses, and answer honestly before you make this very important decision. GSMDs are a wonderful breed, but certainly not for everybody.
Do yourself, your family and the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog this favor -- PLEASE READ this very insightful piece by Karen Conant, longtime Swissy owner/breeder and former president of the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Club of America. Ask yourself the important questions Karen poses, and answer honestly before you make this very important decision. GSMDs are a wonderful breed, but certainly not for everybody.
Twenty-one Ways To Love Your Swissy - by Dori Likevich
A must-read for anyone considering adding a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog to their family! This article, written by Dori Likevich, is full of great advice!
A must-read for anyone considering adding a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog to their family! This article, written by Dori Likevich, is full of great advice!
Top Five Reasons Rescue Is Called - by Pat Saxon and Donna Walker
Pat Saxon and Donna Walker, GSMDCA Rescue Co-Chairs, discuss the top reasons that Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs are surrendered to Rescue. No new Swissy owner ever thinks they would be someone who would give up their dog, for any reason. But it happens all too frequently, and often for reasons that could have been avoided had prospective owners been better prepared for the realities of Swissy ownership. Some of those reasons are Swissy-related, others actually have more to do with the home environment and its appropriateness for this breed. Very often, it's a combination of the two. While you may think the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is the perfect breed for you, there is no way you will ultimately know until you have lived with a Swissy. It may be that this breed is the right one for you, but perhaps it is not the right time.
Pat Saxon and Donna Walker, GSMDCA Rescue Co-Chairs, discuss the top reasons that Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs are surrendered to Rescue. No new Swissy owner ever thinks they would be someone who would give up their dog, for any reason. But it happens all too frequently, and often for reasons that could have been avoided had prospective owners been better prepared for the realities of Swissy ownership. Some of those reasons are Swissy-related, others actually have more to do with the home environment and its appropriateness for this breed. Very often, it's a combination of the two. While you may think the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is the perfect breed for you, there is no way you will ultimately know until you have lived with a Swissy. It may be that this breed is the right one for you, but perhaps it is not the right time.
History of the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog - by Hans Raber